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Dr. Frank Petrigliano featured in Orthopedics Today’s article, ‘Surgeons navigate options for massive rotator cuff tears’

Posted on: April 20th, 2023 by Our Team

Dr. Petrigliano was recently featured in Orthopedics Today’s article, ‘Surgeons navigate options for massive rotator cuff tears’. Here is an excerpt from the article, ‘Defined as a tear greater than 5 cm in the anterior-posterior dimension or a complete tear of two or more rotator cuff tendons, a massive rotator cuff tear can be caused by traumatic injuries or degeneration of the tendons.

“I would say it is more common to see [massive rotator cuff tears] in an older population; however, you can see them in any age group,” Frank A. Petrigliano, MD, chief of the USC Epstein Family Center for Sports Medicine at Keck Medicine of the University of Southern California, told Healio/Orthopedics Today. “In younger patients, you can see a large or massive tear after trauma and, in older patients, it is typically a tear that has been neglected either because it was asymptomatic for a long time and the patient did not realize that they had it, or they had pain and never sought treatment for it.”

Read the full article here.

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